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Church of the Resurrection
Office of Liturgy & Music
Liturgy and Music Office
910 Boston Post Rd, Rye, New York 10580

Information for orchestra & Instrumentalists
We are looking for anyone high school age and above and who has several years of experience at their instrument. We are looking for strings, brass, woodwinds, acoustic guitar, etc.
This is not a weekly commitment. Your instrument may be needed for certain pieces that the adult choir sings at various times throughout the season. The entire group of instrumentalists (the orchestra) will be needed for Christmas Eve and Easter Sunday.
Rehearsals will take place four weeks prior to Christmas and Easter. You will receive your music six weeks in advance so you have time to prepare before rehearsals begin.
If you are needed as a solo instrument to play a part with the choir at some point throughout the year you will receive your music three weeks in advance. You will rehearse with the choir on the Sunday morning your are scheduled to play at 9am.
All rehearsals are held in the Middle school music room or in the church, depending on the
amount of people who will be attending.
The ability to read music is mandatory. Sight reading skills should be strong. You should have a true artistic ability with a strong technique in your playing. This is not a group for a 1st or 2nd year middle school student. Auditions are required.
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